Attendance Procedures

Hillside Attendance Guidelines

 Students are allowed nine (9) excused absences per semester. To excuse an absence, a parent or guardian must call, email or come into the office to excuse the student's absence. If a student is absent ten (10) or more times in one or more classes, EVEN IF THEY ARE EXCUSED, the student will need to appeal for credit in the class(es).

On the eighth (8th) absence, in one or more classes, households will be notified for informational purposes - no further action is needed.

On the tenth (10th) absence, in one or more classes, households will be notified that the student must appeal for credit by the end of the semester. This letter will outline the appeal process.

Medically Excused Absences (dentist, orthodontist, doctor, etc): A doctor’s note is required in order to code the absence as medically excused.

Medically excused absences will not count against a student’s nine (9) allowed excused absences.

Hillside does not accept blanket doctor’s notes (i.e. doctor’s notes that excuse several consecutive absences). Medically excusing consecutive absences will be made on a case by case basis at the discretion of the assistant principal.

TARDIES: Students are allowed three (3) tardies per class period per semester. On a student's fourth (4th) tardy, in a class, they will be assigned detention. 

When a student reaches seven (7) or more tardies in a class; it may result in loss of credit.

Students who are tardy upon arrival to school must sign in at the front office and get a tardy slip to class.

PERMITS TO LEAVE (PTL):  If it is necessary for a student to leave campus, they must obtain a permit to leave (PTL) from the office. In order to facilitate a student’s release, the office needs at least one (1) hour notice from the parent or guardian. Please call, email or come in the office - Notes will not be accepted. 
Please be advised that NO Permits to Leave will be made and NO students will be called out of class after 2:15pm.

Students may be picked up by parents, guardians and adults listed under the household or emergency contact. Anyone who is not on the student's household or emergency contact list will not be able to pick up the student. Siblings or non-listed contacts may pick up students with explicit parent permission only.

ASSEMBLIES: Attendance at school assemblies is mandatory, if the student has afternoon classes at Hillside.

Skipping an assembly will result in a truancy and detention will be assigned.

If a student needs to leave early on a school assembly day, the parent or guardian must call in for a Permit to Leave at least one hour before the assembly starts. The student MUST have the PTL "in hand" at the assembly to be allowed to leave.  Students who miss the assembly will be marked absent for 8th and 9th periods.

Attendance Questions or Concerns

Contact Melissa Forrey, Administrative Secretary - Attendance

208-854-5124 or email [email protected]